Professor E.H Guti and Apostle Dr. E Guti

A great visionary who is building a lasting legacy and leading by example, Archbishop Dr. Ezekiel H Guti is now well-known for the establishment of numerous operations that are improving the lives of people worldwide.  Together with Archbishop Dr. Eunor Guti, his wife, fellow laborer in the preaching of the Kingdom of God, and partner in the harvest for souls, Dr. Guti has testified of seeing the miraculous hand of God in the establishment of Mbuya Dorcas Hospital.  The fulfillment of the vision of the hospital did not come overnight, but was a burden that Dr. Guti carried for years.  In the early 90′s, Dr. Guti was already holding the blueprint for the hospital; however the fullness of time would come in 2011 when building commenced. The hospital opened in 2012, and since then, countless lives have been saved through the medical care and healing through prayer and deliverance. In 2013 Dr. Guti celebrated his 90th birthday, and in the same year, was in the mission field establishing churches in Belize and Switzerland, as well as spending time strengthening the new church in Argentina planted in 2012.

Archbishop Dr Ezekiel and Eunor Guti

Having preached the gospel for over 65 years, Dr. Guti refuses to retire, saying the burden is too great, and the souls which need to hear about salvation through Jesus Christ are too many. Below are other establishments by Apostle Dr. EH Guti:

  • ZAOGA Forward in Faith Ministries International (locations in over 120 nations and states)
  • Mutare Children’s Home
  • AMFCC Bible School
  • Ezekiel TV
  • Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU)
  • Grange Christian School
  • Kids Oil of Joy Pre-School
  • African Christian Business Fellowship
  • Ezekiel Guti Community College
  • Liberia School
  • Mutoko Children’s Home
  • and many more…